Map loading

Last chapter we left off at creating some entities to test our rendering system, but now it's time to render a proper map. In this section we will create a text based map configuration which we will load.

Map config

First step, let's try to load a level based on a 2d map that looks like this.

fn main() {
    const MAP: &str = "
    N N W W W W W W
    W W W . . . . W
    W . . . B . . W
    W . . . . . . W 
    W . P . . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W . . S . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W W W W W W W W

. is an empty spot
W is a wall
P is the player
B is a box
S is a box spot
N is nothing: used for the outer edges of the map

Eventually we can load from a file but for simplicity let's go with a constant in the code for now.

And here is the implementation of load map.

fn main() {
// Initialize the level// Initialize the level
pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) {
    const MAP: &str = "
    N N W W W W W W
    W W W . . . . W
    W . . . B . . W
    W . . . . . . W 
    W . P . . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W . . S . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W W W W W W W W

    load_map(world, MAP.to_string());

pub fn load_map(world: &mut World, map_string: String) {
    // read all lines
    let rows: Vec<&str> = map_string.trim().split('\n').map(|x| x.trim()).collect();

    for (y, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
        let columns: Vec<&str> = row.split(' ').collect();

        for (x, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() {
            // Create the position at which to create something on the map
            let position = Position {
                x: x as u8,
                y: y as u8,
                z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions

            // Figure out what object we should create
            match *column {
                "." => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                "W" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_wall(world, position);
                "P" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_player(world, position);
                "B" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_box(world, position);
                "S" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_box_spot(world, position);
                "N" => (),
                c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c),

The most interesting Rust concept here is probably the match. We are using the basic feature of pattern matching here, we are simply matching on the values of each token found in the map config, but we could do a lot of more advanced conditions or types of patterns.

MORE: Read more about pattern matching here.

Now let's run the game and see what our map looks like.


Final code below.

/* ANCHOR: all */
// Rust sokoban

use ggez::{
    conf, event,
    graphics::{self, DrawParam, Image},
    Context, GameResult,
use glam::Vec2;
use hecs::{Entity, World};

use std::path;

const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 32.0;

// ANCHOR: components
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Position {
    x: u8,
    y: u8,
    z: u8,

pub struct Renderable {
    path: String,

pub struct Wall {}

pub struct Player {}

pub struct Box {}

pub struct BoxSpot {}

// ANCHOR_END: components

// ANCHOR: game
// This struct will hold all our game state
// For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add
// things shortly.
struct Game {
    world: World,
// ANCHOR_END: game

// ANCHOR: init
// Initialize the level// Initialize the level
pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) {
    // ANCHOR: map
    const MAP: &str = "
    N N W W W W W W
    W W W . . . . W
    W . . . B . . W
    W . . . . . . W 
    W . P . . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W . . S . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W W W W W W W W
    // ANCHOR_END: map

    load_map(world, MAP.to_string());

pub fn load_map(world: &mut World, map_string: String) {
    // read all lines
    let rows: Vec<&str> = map_string.trim().split('\n').map(|x| x.trim()).collect();

    for (y, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
        let columns: Vec<&str> = row.split(' ').collect();

        for (x, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() {
            // Create the position at which to create something on the map
            let position = Position {
                x: x as u8,
                y: y as u8,
                z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions

            // Figure out what object we should create
            match *column {
                "." => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                "W" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_wall(world, position);
                "P" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_player(world, position);
                "B" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_box(world, position);
                "S" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_box_spot(world, position);
                "N" => (),
                c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c),
// ANCHOR_END: init

// ANCHOR: handler
impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game {
    fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult {

    fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
        // Render game entities
            run_rendering(&, context);

// ANCHOR_END: handler

// ANCHOR: entities
pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity {
        Position { z: 10, ..position },
        Renderable {
            path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(),
        Wall {},
pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity {
        Position { z: 5, ..position },
        Renderable {
            path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(),

pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity {
        Position { z: 10, ..position },
        Renderable {
            path: "/images/box.png".to_string(),
        Box {},

pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity {
        Position { z: 9, ..position },
        Renderable {
            path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(),
        BoxSpot {},

pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity {
        Position { z: 10, ..position },
        Renderable {
            path: "/images/player.png".to_string(),
        Player {},
// ANCHOR_END: entities

// ANCHOR: rendering_system
fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) {
    // Clearing the screen (this gives us the background colour)
        let mut canvas =
        graphics::Canvas::from_frame(context, graphics::Color::from([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0]));

    // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z
    // This will allow us to have entities layered visually.
    let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Renderable)>();
    let mut rendering_data: Vec<(Entity, (&Position, &Renderable))> = query.into_iter().collect();
    rendering_data.sort_by_key(|&k| k.1 .0.z);

    // Iterate through all pairs of positions & renderables, load the image
    // and draw it at the specified position.
    for (_, (position, renderable)) in rendering_data.iter() {
        // Load the image
        let image = Image::from_path(context, renderable.path.clone()).unwrap();
        let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH;
        let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH;

        // draw
        let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y));
        canvas.draw(&image, draw_params);

    // Finally, present the canvas, this will actually display everything
    // on the screen.
    canvas.finish(context).expect("expected to present");
// ANCHOR_END: rendering_system

// ANCHOR: main
pub fn main() -> GameResult {
    let mut world = World::new();
    initialize_level(&mut world);

    // Create a game context and event loop
    let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban")
        .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!"))
        .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0))

    let (context, event_loop) =;

    // Create the game state
    let game = Game { world };
    // Run the main event loop
    event::run(context, event_loop, game)
// ANCHOR_END: main

/* ANCHOR_END: all */

CODELINK: You can see the full code in this example here.