Moving the player

It wouldn't be a game if we couldn't move the player, would it? In this section we will figure out how to grab input events.

Input events

The first step for making our player move is to start listening to input events. If we take a quick look at the ggez input example we can see we can subscribe to all sort of mouse and keyboard related events, for now we probably only want key_down_event.

Let's start listening to key events. First we'll bring a few more modules into scope:

fn main() {
// Rust sokoban

use glam::Vec2;
use ggez::{conf, Context, GameResult,
    event::{self, KeyCode, KeyMods}, 
    graphics::{self, DrawParam, Image}};
use specs::{
    join::Join, Builder, Component, ReadStorage, RunNow, System, VecStorage, World, WorldExt,
    Write, WriteStorage,

Then, we'll add this code inside the event::EventHandler implementation block for our Game:

fn main() {
impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game {

    // ...

    fn key_down_event(
        &mut self,
        _context: &mut Context,
        keycode: KeyCode,
        _keymod: KeyMods,
        _repeat: bool,
    ) {
        println!("Key pressed: {:?}", keycode);

    // ...


If we run this we should see the print lines in the console.

Key pressed: Left
Key pressed: Left
Key pressed: Right
Key pressed: Up
Key pressed: Down
Key pressed: Left

If you are not familiar with the {:?} notation used when printing, this is just a convenient way that Rust allows us to print objects for debugging. In this case we can print a KeyCode object (which is an enum) because the KeyCode type implements the Debug trait using the Debug macro (remember we discussed macros in Chapter 1.3, so head back there if you need a refresher). If KeyCode didn't implement Debug we would not be able to use this syntax and instead we would get a compiler error. This saves us writing some custom code to convert the key codes to strings, so we can rely on the built-in functionalily for that.


Next up we'll add a resource, which is the specs way of sharing some state across systems which isn't part of your world. We'll use a resource for modelling the input queue of key presses, since that doesn't really fit into our existing components/entities model.

fn main() {
// Resources
pub struct InputQueue {
    pub keys_pressed: Vec<KeyCode>,

And then we'll push the new key presses into the queue when key_down_event is called.

fn main() {
impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game {

    // ...

    fn key_down_event(
        &mut self,
        _context: &mut Context,
        keycode: KeyCode,
        _keymod: KeyMods,
        _repeat: bool,
    ) {
        println!("Key pressed: {:?}", keycode);

        let mut input_queue =<InputQueue>();

    // ...


Finally, we need to register the resources into specs like we did for components.

// Registering resources
pub fn register_resources(world: &mut World) {

// Registering resources in main
pub fn main() -> GameResult {
    let mut world = World::new();
    register_components(&mut world);
    register_resources(&mut world);
    initialize_level(&mut world);

    // Create a game context and event loop
    let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban")
        .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!"))
        .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0))

    let (context, event_loop) =;

    // Create the game state
    let game = Game { world };
    // Run the main event loop
    event::run(context, event_loop, game)

Input system

Using this code we have a resource that is a continuous queue of input key presses. Next up, we'll start processing these inputs in a system.

fn main() {
pub struct InputSystem {}

impl<'a> System<'a> for InputSystem {
    // Data
    type SystemData = (
        Write<'a, InputQueue>,
        WriteStorage<'a, Position>,
        ReadStorage<'a, Player>,

    fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) {
        let (mut input_queue, mut positions, players) = data;

        for (position, _player) in (&mut positions, &players).join() {
            // Get the first key pressed
            if let Some(key) = input_queue.keys_pressed.pop() {
                // Apply the key to the position
                match key {
                    KeyCode::Up => position.y -= 1,
                    KeyCode::Down => position.y += 1,
                    KeyCode::Left => position.x -= 1,
                    KeyCode::Right => position.x += 1,
                    _ => (),

Finally we need to run the system in our update loop.

fn main() {
    fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
        // Run input system
            let mut is = InputSystem {};


The input system is pretty simple, it grabs all the players and positions (we should only have one player but this code doesn't need to care about that, it could in theory work if we have multiple players that we want to control with the same input). And then for every player and position combination, it will grab the first key pressed and remove it from the input queue. It will then figure out what is the required transformation - for example if we press up we want to move one tile up and so on, and then applies this position update.

Pretty cool! Here's how it should look like. Notice we can go through walls and boxes. We'll fix that up in the next section when we add the movable component.

Moving player

CODELINK: You can see the full code in this example here.