




  • 我们使用 NullStorage 而不是VecStorage,因为这俩个组件没什么属性,只是用做标记,使用NullStorage更高效.
  • 为了使用NullStorage还需要实现Default特征.
  • 把这俩个组件添加到register_components函数中.

fn main() {
#[derive(Component, Default)]
pub struct Movable;

#[derive(Component, Default)]
pub struct Immovable;


pub fn register_resources(world: &mut World) {


  • 为角色和箱子实现with(Movable)
  • 为墙实现with(Immovable)
  • 地板和方框就不做什么处理了(就像我们先前分析的,方框即不能移动也不能像墙一样阻止角色箱子移动)

fn main() {
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(),
        .with(Wall {})

pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 5, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(),

pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 10, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/box.png".to_string(),
        .with(Box {})

pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 9, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(),
        .with(BoxSpot {})

pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 10, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/player.png".to_string(),
        .with(Player {})

// Initialize the level
pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) {
    const MAP: &str = "




  1. (player, floor)RIGHT -> 角色应右移
  2. (player, wall)RIGHT -> 角色不能移动
  3. (player, box, floor)RIGHT -> 角色和盒子右移
  4. (player, box, wall)RIGHT -> 啥都不移动
  5. (player, box, box, floor)RIGHT -> 角色, box1 和 box2 都应右移
  6. (player, box, box, wall)RIGHT -> 啥都不移动


  • 碰撞(移动)检测需要所有相关对象一起完成.比如场景6, 如果我们一次检测一个对象,我们就会移动角色,然后移动box1,直到我们检测到box2,才发现box2是不能移动的,因为它前面是个墙,那先前移动的角色和box1还得移动回去.
  • 可移动对象碰到空点可以移动的(这里的空点代表即不是可移动对象也不是不可移动对象).
  • 可移动对象碰到不可移动对象不可移动.
  • 虽然我们只是根据向右移动的场景分析的,但这些结论同样适用于其它方向.

基于此,就可以编写代码了. 以下是一些我们需要实现的逻辑片段:

  1. 找出所有的可移动实体和不可移动实体 - 这样我们才能区分它们是否对应对有影响.
  2. 确定基于按键移动实体的方法 - 这个我们先前章节中已经介绍过,可以根据按键在实体位置相应分支上+1或-1;
  3. 遍历从角色当前位置到地图末尾的所有位置 需要根据移动方向判断地图末尾位置,比如按下的向右方向键,那我们就需要遍历玩家当前位置到地图宽度的所有位置信息;如果按下的是向上方向键,那就需要从0遍历到player.y.
  4. 对于序列中的每个图块 我们需要:
    • 如果当前图块是可移动的,就继续执行并记录下当前的图块.
    • 如果当前图块是不可移动的,就停止执行,什么也不需要移动.
    • 如果当前图块既不是可移动的也不是不可移动的,就移动我们先前记录的所有可移动图块.


fn main() {
    // Data
    type SystemData = (
        Write<'a, InputQueue>,
        WriteStorage<'a, Position>,
        ReadStorage<'a, Player>,
        ReadStorage<'a, Movable>,
        ReadStorage<'a, Immovable>,

    fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) {
        let (mut input_queue, entities, mut positions, players, movables, immovables) = data;

        let mut to_move = Vec::new();

        for (position, _player) in (&positions, &players).join() {
            // Get the first key pressed
            if let Some(key) = input_queue.keys_pressed.pop() {
                // get all the movables and immovables
                let mov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Index> = (&entities, &movables, &positions)
                    .map(|t| ((t.2.x, t.2.y), t.0.id()))
                    .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
                let immov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Index> = (&entities, &immovables, &positions)
                    .map(|t| ((t.2.x, t.2.y), t.0.id()))
                    .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

                // Now iterate through current position to the end of the map
                // on the correct axis and check what needs to move.
                let (start, end, is_x) = match key {
                    KeyCode::Up => (position.y, 0, false),
                    KeyCode::Down => (position.y, MAP_HEIGHT, false),
                    KeyCode::Left => (position.x, 0, true),
                    KeyCode::Right => (position.x, MAP_WIDTH, true),
                    _ => continue,

                let range = if start < end {
                } else {

                for x_or_y in range {
                    let pos = if is_x {
                        (x_or_y, position.y)
                    } else {
                        (position.x, x_or_y)

                    // find a movable
                    // if it exists, we try to move it and continue
                    // if it doesn't exist, we continue and try to find an immovable instead
                    match mov.get(&pos) {
                        Some(id) => to_move.push((key, id.clone())),
                        None => {
                            // find an immovable
                            // if it exists, we need to stop and not move anything
                            // if it doesn't exist, we stop because we found a gap
                            match immov.get(&pos) {
                                Some(_id) => to_move.clear(),
                                None => break,

        // Now actually move what needs to be moved
        for (key, id) in to_move {
            let position = positions.get_mut(entities.entity(id));
            if let Some(position) = position {
                match key {
                    KeyCode::Up => position.y -= 1,
                    KeyCode::Down => position.y += 1,
                    KeyCode::Left => position.x -= 1,
                    KeyCode::Right => position.x += 1,
                    _ => (),


Moving player


// Rust sokoban
// main.rs

use glam::Vec2;
use ggez::{
    conf, Context, GameResult,
    event::{self, KeyCode, KeyMods}, 
    graphics::{self, DrawParam, Image}};
use specs::{
    join::Join, Builder, Component, ReadStorage, RunNow, 
    System, VecStorage, World, WorldExt,
    Write, WriteStorage, NullStorage, Entities, world::Index

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path;

const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 32.0;
const MAP_WIDTH: u8 = 8;
const MAP_HEIGHT: u8 = 9;

// Components
#[derive(Debug, Component, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Position {
    x: u8,
    y: u8,
    z: u8,

pub struct Renderable {
    path: String,

pub struct Wall {}

pub struct Player {}

pub struct Box {}

pub struct BoxSpot {}

#[derive(Component, Default)]
pub struct Movable;

#[derive(Component, Default)]
pub struct Immovable;

// Resources
pub struct InputQueue {
    pub keys_pressed: Vec<KeyCode>,

// Systems
pub struct RenderingSystem<'a> {
    context: &'a mut Context,

// System implementation
impl<'a> System<'a> for RenderingSystem<'a> {
    // Data
    type SystemData = (ReadStorage<'a, Position>, ReadStorage<'a, Renderable>);

    fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) {
        let (positions, renderables) = data;

        // Clearing the screen (this gives us the backround colour)
        graphics::clear(self.context, graphics::Color::new(0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0));

        // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z
        // This will allow us to have entities layered visually.
        let mut rendering_data = (&positions, &renderables).join().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        rendering_data.sort_by_key(|&k| k.0.z);

        // Iterate through all pairs of positions & renderables, load the image
        // and draw it at the specified position.
        for (position, renderable) in rendering_data.iter() {
            // Load the image
            let image = Image::new(self.context, renderable.path.clone()).expect("expected image");
            let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH;
            let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH;

            // draw
            let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y));
            graphics::draw(self.context, &image, draw_params).expect("expected render");

        // Finally, present the context, this will actually display everything
        // on the screen.
        graphics::present(self.context).expect("expected to present");

pub struct InputSystem {}

// System implementation
impl<'a> System<'a> for InputSystem {
    // Data
    type SystemData = (
        Write<'a, InputQueue>,
        WriteStorage<'a, Position>,
        ReadStorage<'a, Player>,
        ReadStorage<'a, Movable>,
        ReadStorage<'a, Immovable>,

    fn run(&mut self, data: Self::SystemData) {
        let (mut input_queue, entities, mut positions, players, movables, immovables) = data;

        let mut to_move = Vec::new();

        for (position, _player) in (&positions, &players).join() {
            // Get the first key pressed
            if let Some(key) = input_queue.keys_pressed.pop() {
                // get all the movables and immovables
                let mov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Index> = (&entities, &movables, &positions)
                    .map(|t| ((t.2.x, t.2.y), t.0.id()))
                    .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
                let immov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Index> = (&entities, &immovables, &positions)
                    .map(|t| ((t.2.x, t.2.y), t.0.id()))
                    .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

                // Now iterate through current position to the end of the map
                // on the correct axis and check what needs to move.
                let (start, end, is_x) = match key {
                    KeyCode::Up => (position.y, 0, false),
                    KeyCode::Down => (position.y, MAP_HEIGHT, false),
                    KeyCode::Left => (position.x, 0, true),
                    KeyCode::Right => (position.x, MAP_WIDTH, true),
                    _ => continue,

                let range = if start < end {
                } else {

                for x_or_y in range {
                    let pos = if is_x {
                        (x_or_y, position.y)
                    } else {
                        (position.x, x_or_y)

                    // find a movable
                    // if it exists, we try to move it and continue
                    // if it doesn't exist, we continue and try to find an immovable instead
                    match mov.get(&pos) {
                        Some(id) => to_move.push((key, id.clone())),
                        None => {
                            // find an immovable
                            // if it exists, we need to stop and not move anything
                            // if it doesn't exist, we stop because we found a gap
                            match immov.get(&pos) {
                                Some(_id) => to_move.clear(),
                                None => break,

        // Now actually move what needs to be moved
        for (key, id) in to_move {
            let position = positions.get_mut(entities.entity(id));
            if let Some(position) = position {
                match key {
                    KeyCode::Up => position.y -= 1,
                    KeyCode::Down => position.y += 1,
                    KeyCode::Left => position.x -= 1,
                    KeyCode::Right => position.x += 1,
                    _ => (),

// This struct will hold all our game state
// For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add
// things shortly.
struct Game {
    world: World,

// This is the main event loop. ggez tells us to implement
// two things:
// - updating
// - rendering
impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game {
    fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
        // Run input system
            let mut is = InputSystem {};


    fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult {
        // Render game entities
            let mut rs = RenderingSystem { context };


    fn key_down_event(
        &mut self,
        _context: &mut Context,
        keycode: KeyCode,
        _keymod: KeyMods,
        _repeat: bool,
    ) {
        println!("Key pressed: {:?}", keycode);

        let mut input_queue = self.world.write_resource::<InputQueue>();

// Register components with the world
pub fn register_components(world: &mut World) {

pub fn register_resources(world: &mut World) {

// Create a wall entity
pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 10, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(),
        .with(Wall {})

pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 5, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(),

pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 10, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/box.png".to_string(),
        .with(Box {})

pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 9, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(),
        .with(BoxSpot {})

pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) {
        .with(Position { z: 10, ..position })
        .with(Renderable {
            path: "/images/player.png".to_string(),
        .with(Player {})

// Initialize the level
pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) {
    const MAP: &str = "
    N N W W W W W W
    W W W . . . . W
    W . . . B . . W
    W . . . . . . W 
    W . P . . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W . . S . . . W
    W . . . . . . W
    W W W W W W W W

    load_map(world, MAP.to_string());

pub fn load_map(world: &mut World, map_string: String) {
    // read all lines
    let rows: Vec<&str> = map_string.trim().split('\n').map(|x| x.trim()).collect();

    for (y, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() {
        let columns: Vec<&str> = row.split(' ').collect();

        for (x, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() {
            // Create the position at which to create something on the map
            let position = Position {
                x: x as u8,
                y: y as u8,
                z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions

            // Figure out what object we should create
            match *column {
                "." => create_floor(world, position),
                "W" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_wall(world, position);
                "P" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_player(world, position);
                "B" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_box(world, position);
                "S" => {
                    create_floor(world, position);
                    create_box_spot(world, position);
                "N" => (),
                c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c),
pub fn main() -> GameResult {
    let mut world = World::new();
    register_components(&mut world);
    register_resources(&mut world);
    initialize_level(&mut world);

    // Create a game context and event loop
    let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban")
        .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!"))
        .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0))

    let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?;

    // Create the game state
    let game = Game { world };
    // Run the main event loop
    event::run(context, event_loop, game)

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