第一章: 开始编写游戏前

欢迎来到 《使用Rust编写推箱子游戏教程》! 在开始动手编写游戏前,我们需要先了解下:




本教程是由@oliviff 主笔编写,另外还得到了很多优秀贡献者的支持,感谢您们的辛勤付出(排名不分先后):














MORE: 点这里查看更多.






Made with 🦀 and 🧡 by @oliviffFusionZhuMuzych翻译



$ rustc --version rustc 1.40.0 $ cargo --version cargo 1.40.0




$ cargo init rust-sokoban


├── src │ └── main.rs └── Cargo.toml

切换到文件夹rust-sokoban并运行命令 cargo run ,你会看到类似下面的输出信息:

$ cargo run Compiling rust-sokoban v0.1.0 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.30s Running `../rust-sokoban/target/debug/rust-sokoban` Hello, world!


接下来让我们一起把默认生成的项目修改成一个游戏项目! 我们使用当前最受欢迎的2D游戏引擎之一的ggez

还记得我们刚才在项目目录里看到的Cargo.toml文件吧?这个文件是用来管理项目依赖的,所以需要把我们需要使用到的crate添加到这个文件中。就像这样添加 ggez 依赖:

[dependencies] ggez = "0.9.3"

MORE: 更多关于Cargo.toml的信息可以看 这里.

接下来再次执行cargo run.这次执行的会长一点,因为需要从crates.io下载我们配置的依赖库并编译链接到我们库中。

cargo run Updating crates.io index Downloaded .... .... Compiling .... .... Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2m 15s Running `.../rust-sokoban/target/debug/rust-sokoban` Hello, world!

NOTE: 如果你是使用的Ubuntu操作系统,在执行命令的时候可能会报错,如果报错信息有提到alsalibudev可以通过执行下面的命令安装解决: sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libasound2-dev.


use ggez::{conf, event, Context, GameResult}; use std::path; // This struct will hold all our game state // For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add // things shortly. struct Game {} // This is the main event loop. ggez tells us to implement // two things: // - updating // - rendering impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // TODO: update game logic here Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // TODO: update draw here Ok(()) } } pub fn main() -> GameResult { // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?; // Create the game state let game = Game {}; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) }

可以把代码复制到main.rs文件中,并再次执行cargo run,你会看到:






#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // 从ggez命名空间引入conf, event, Context 和 GameResult use ggez::{conf, event, Context, GameResult}; }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // This struct will hold all our game state // For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add // things shortly. struct Game {} }

MORE: 查看更多结构体相关信息可以点 这里.


特征类似其它语言中的接口,就是用来表示具备某些行为的特定类型。在这个例子中,我们希望实现EventHandler trait,并将这种行为添加到我们的Game结构体中。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // This is the main event loop. ggez tells us to implement // two things: // - updating // - rendering impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // TODO: update game logic here Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // TODO: update draw here Ok(()) } } }

MORE: 想更深入的了解特征可以点 这里.



#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // TODO: update game logic here Ok(()) } }


MORE: 想深入了解函数可以点 这里.


你可能更疑惑&mut self这里的&mut是做什么的? 这个主要用来声明一个对象(比如这里的self)是否可以被改变的。再来看个例子:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let a = 10; // a是不可变的,因为没有使用`mut`声明它是可变的 let mut b = 20; // b是可变的,因为使用了`mut`声明了它是可变的 }

再回头看update函数,我们使用了&mut 声明self是实例对象的可变引用。有没有点感觉了, 要不我们再看一个例子:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // 一个简单的结构体X struct X { num: u32 } //结构体X的实现代码块 impl X { fn a(&self) { self.num = 5 } // 在函数a中不能修改`self`,这会编译失败的,因为是使用的`&self` fn b(&mut self) { self.num = 5 } // 在函数b中可以修改`self`,因为使用的是`&mut self` } }

MORE: 想更多的了解可变性可以看 这里 (虽然是使用的Java作为演示语言讲解的,但对于理解可变性还是很有帮助地), 另外还可以看 这里.






Sokoban play



ECS (实体构建系统)是一种遵循组合优于继承的构建游戏的模式. 像多少Rust游戏一样,我们编写的推箱子游戏也会大量使用ECS,所以我们有必要先花点时间熟悉下ECS

  • 组件(Components) - 组件只包含数据不包含行为,比如:位置组件、可渲染组件和运动组件。
  • 实体(Entities) - 实体是由多个组件组成的,比如玩家,可能是由位置组件、可渲染组件、动作组件组合而成的,而地板可能只需要位置组件和可渲染组件,因为它不会动。也可以说实体几乎就是包含一个或多个具有唯一标示信息的组件的容器。
  • 系统(Systems) - 系统使用实体和组件并包含基于数据的行为和逻辑。比如渲染系统:它可以一个一个的处理并绘制可渲染实体。就像我们上面提到的组件本身不包含行为,而是通过系统根据数据创建行为。






  1. 玩家实体: 有位置组件可渲染组件运动组件组成
  2. 墙实体: 有位置组件可渲染组件组成
  3. 地板实体: 有位置组件可渲染组件组成
  4. 箱子实体: 有位置组件可渲染组件运动组件组成
  5. 方框斑点组件: 有位置组件运动组件组成



最后我们需要一个提供ECScrate,虽然这样的库有一大把,但在本教程中我们使用 hecs ,需要在Cargo.toml文件中配置hecs依赖:

[dependencies] ggez = "0.9.3" hecs = "0.10.5"



在本节中,我们将创建组件,学习如何创建实体,并注册所有内容以确保 hecs 正常工作。


我们先从定义组件开始。之前我们讨论了 Position(位置组件)、Renderable(可渲染组件)和 Movement(动作组件),但暂时我们会跳过动作组件。我们还需要一些组件来标识每个实体。例如,我们需要一个 Wall(墙)组件,通过它来标识一个实体是墙。

希望这很直观:位置组件存储 x、y 和 z 坐标,用于告诉我们某物在地图上的位置;可渲染组件会接收一个字符串路径,指向一张可以渲染的图片。所有其他组件都是marker组件。marker组件这个名字听起来可能有些吓人,但它本质上只是一个没有任何其他数据字段的标签。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct Position { x: u8, y: u8, z: u8, } #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct Renderable { path: String, } pub struct Wall {} pub struct Player {} pub struct Box {} pub struct BoxSpot {} }




#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(), }, Wall {}, )) } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 5, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(), }, )) } pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box.png".to_string(), }, Box {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(), }, BoxSpot {}, )) } pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/player.png".to_string(), }, Player {}, )) } }



地板图块 墙图块 玩家图块 箱子图块 目标点图块

让我们将这些图片添加到项目中。创建一个 resources 文件夹,用于存放所有资源。目前,这些资源仅包括图片,但将来我们可能会添加配置文件或音频文件(继续阅读,您将在 第三章第三节 学习如何播放声音)。在 resources 文件夹下再创建一个 images 文件夹,将我们的 PNG 图片放入其中。您也可以使用不同的文件夹结构,但在本节后续部分使用图片时,请确保路径正确。


├── resources │ └── images │ ├── box.png │ ├── box_spot.png │ ├── floor.png │ ├── player.png │ └── wall.png ├── src │ └── main.rs └── Cargo.toml


最后,让我们将所有内容整合在一起。我们需要创建一个 specs::World 对象,将其添加到我们的 Game 结构中,并在主函数中首先初始化它。以下是完整代码,现在运行时仍会显示一个空白窗口,但我们在设置游戏组件和实体方面已经取得了巨大进展!接下来,我们将进入渲染部分,最终在屏幕上看到内容!

pub fn main() -> GameResult { let world = World::new(); // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?; // Create the game state let game = Game { world }; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) }






#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { // TODO 添加实现 } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render game entities { run_rendering(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } } }



注意: 我们将在这里添加 glam 作为依赖项,这是一个简单快速的 3D 库,可以提供一些性能改进。

[dependencies] ggez = "0.9.3" hecs = "0.10.5"


  • 清除屏幕(确保我们不会保留前一帧渲染的状态)
  • 获取所有具有可渲染组件的实体并按 z 轴排序(这样我们可以确保正确的叠加顺序,例如玩家应该在地板之上,否则我们看不到玩家)
  • 遍历排序后的实体并将它们作为图像渲染
  • 最后,呈现到屏幕上
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { // Clearing the screen (this gives us the background colour) let mut canvas = graphics::Canvas::from_frame(context, graphics::Color::from([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0])); // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z // This will allow us to have entities layered visually. let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Renderable)>(); let mut rendering_data: Vec<(Entity, (&Position, &Renderable))> = query.into_iter().collect(); rendering_data.sort_by_key(|&k| k.1 .0.z); // Iterate through all pairs of positions & renderables, load the image // and draw it at the specified position. for (_, (position, renderable)) in rendering_data.iter() { // Load the image let image = Image::from_path(context, renderable.path.clone()).unwrap(); let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; // draw let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y)); canvas.draw(&image, draw_params); } // Finally, present the canvas, this will actually display everything // on the screen. canvas.finish(context).expect("expected to present"); } }



#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Initialize the level pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { create_player( world, Position { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_wall( world, Position { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_box( world, Position { x: 2, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); } }




注意: 请注意,这是渲染的一个非常基本的实现,随着实体数量的增加,性能可能不足够好。一个更高级的渲染实现使用批量渲染,可以在第 3 章 - 批量渲染中找到。

/* ANCHOR: all */ // Rust sokoban // main.rs use ggez::{ conf, event, graphics::{self, DrawParam, Image}, Context, GameResult, }; use glam::Vec2; use hecs::{Entity, World}; use std::path; const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 32.0; // ANCHOR: components pub struct Position { x: u8, y: u8, z: u8, } pub struct Renderable { path: String, } pub struct Wall {} pub struct Player {} pub struct Box {} pub struct BoxSpot {} // ANCHOR_END: components // ANCHOR: game // This struct will hold all our game state // For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add // things shortly. struct Game { world: World, } // ANCHOR_END: game // ANCHOR: init // Initialize the level pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { create_player( world, Position { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_wall( world, Position { x: 1, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); create_box( world, Position { x: 2, y: 0, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }, ); } // ANCHOR_END: init // ANCHOR: handler impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render game entities { run_rendering(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } } // ANCHOR_END: handler // ANCHOR: entities pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(), }, Wall {}, )) } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 5, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(), }, )) } pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box.png".to_string(), }, Box {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(), }, BoxSpot {}, )) } pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/player.png".to_string(), }, Player {}, )) } // ANCHOR_END: entities // ANCHOR: rendering_system fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { // Clearing the screen (this gives us the background colour) let mut canvas = graphics::Canvas::from_frame(context, graphics::Color::from([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0])); // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z // This will allow us to have entities layered visually. let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Renderable)>(); let mut rendering_data: Vec<(Entity, (&Position, &Renderable))> = query.into_iter().collect(); rendering_data.sort_by_key(|&k| k.1 .0.z); // Iterate through all pairs of positions & renderables, load the image // and draw it at the specified position. for (_, (position, renderable)) in rendering_data.iter() { // Load the image let image = Image::from_path(context, renderable.path.clone()).unwrap(); let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; // draw let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y)); canvas.draw(&image, draw_params); } // Finally, present the canvas, this will actually display everything // on the screen. canvas.finish(context).expect("expected to present"); } // ANCHOR_END: rendering_system // ANCHOR: main pub fn main() -> GameResult { let world = World::new(); // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?; // Create the game state let game = Game { world }; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) } // ANCHOR_END: main /* ANCHOR_END: all */

第二章: 实现基本功能






#![allow(unused)] fn main() { const MAP: &str = " N N W W W W W W W W W . . . . W W . . . B . . W W . . . . . . W W . P . . . . W W . . . . . . W W . . S . . . W W . . . . . . W W W W W W W W W "; 其中: . 是空白位置 W 是墙 P 是玩家 B 是箱子 S 是箱子放置点 N 是空:用于地图的外边缘 }



#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // Initialize the level// Initialize the level pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { const MAP: &str = " N N W W W W W W W W W . . . . W W . . . B . . W W . . . . . . W W . P . . . . W W . . . . . . W W . . S . . . W W . . . . . . W W W W W W W W W "; load_map(world, MAP.to_string()); } pub fn load_map(world: &mut World, map_string: String) { // read all lines let rows: Vec<&str> = map_string.trim().split('\n').map(|x| x.trim()).collect(); for (y, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() { let columns: Vec<&str> = row.split(' ').collect(); for (x, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() { // Create the position at which to create something on the map let position = Position { x: x as u8, y: y as u8, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }; // Figure out what object we should create match *column { "." => { create_floor(world, position); } "W" => { create_floor(world, position); create_wall(world, position); } "P" => { create_floor(world, position); create_player(world, position); } "B" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box(world, position); } "S" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box_spot(world, position); } "N" => (), c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c), } } } } }

这里最有趣的 Rust 概念可能是 match。我们在这里使用了模式匹配的基本功能,仅仅是匹配地图配置中每个标记的值,但我们可以进行更高级的条件或类型模式匹配。

更多: 阅读更多关于模式匹配的信息 这里




/* ANCHOR: all */ // Rust sokoban // main.rs use ggez::{ conf, event, graphics::{self, DrawParam, Image}, Context, GameResult, }; use glam::Vec2; use hecs::{Entity, World}; use std::path; const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 32.0; // ANCHOR: components #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Position { x: u8, y: u8, z: u8, } pub struct Renderable { path: String, } pub struct Wall {} pub struct Player {} pub struct Box {} pub struct BoxSpot {} // ANCHOR_END: components // ANCHOR: game // This struct will hold all our game state // For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add // things shortly. struct Game { world: World, } // ANCHOR_END: game // ANCHOR: init // Initialize the level// Initialize the level pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { // ANCHOR: map const MAP: &str = " N N W W W W W W W W W . . . . W W . . . B . . W W . . . . . . W W . P . . . . W W . . . . . . W W . . S . . . W W . . . . . . W W W W W W W W W "; // ANCHOR_END: map load_map(world, MAP.to_string()); } pub fn load_map(world: &mut World, map_string: String) { // read all lines let rows: Vec<&str> = map_string.trim().split('\n').map(|x| x.trim()).collect(); for (y, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() { let columns: Vec<&str> = row.split(' ').collect(); for (x, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() { // Create the position at which to create something on the map let position = Position { x: x as u8, y: y as u8, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }; // Figure out what object we should create match *column { "." => { create_floor(world, position); } "W" => { create_floor(world, position); create_wall(world, position); } "P" => { create_floor(world, position); create_player(world, position); } "B" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box(world, position); } "S" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box_spot(world, position); } "N" => (), c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c), } } } } // ANCHOR_END: init // ANCHOR: handler impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, _context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render game entities { run_rendering(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } } // ANCHOR_END: handler // ANCHOR: entities pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(), }, Wall {}, )) } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 5, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(), }, )) } pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box.png".to_string(), }, Box {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(), }, BoxSpot {}, )) } pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/player.png".to_string(), }, Player {}, )) } // ANCHOR_END: entities // ANCHOR: rendering_system fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { // Clearing the screen (this gives us the background colour) let mut canvas = graphics::Canvas::from_frame(context, graphics::Color::from([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0])); // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z // This will allow us to have entities layered visually. let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Renderable)>(); let mut rendering_data: Vec<(Entity, (&Position, &Renderable))> = query.into_iter().collect(); rendering_data.sort_by_key(|&k| k.1 .0.z); // Iterate through all pairs of positions & renderables, load the image // and draw it at the specified position. for (_, (position, renderable)) in rendering_data.iter() { // Load the image let image = Image::from_path(context, renderable.path.clone()).unwrap(); let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; // draw let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y)); canvas.draw(&image, draw_params); } // Finally, present the canvas, this will actually display everything // on the screen. canvas.finish(context).expect("expected to present"); } // ANCHOR_END: rendering_system // ANCHOR: main pub fn main() -> GameResult { let mut world = World::new(); initialize_level(&mut world); // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?; // Create the game state let game = Game { world }; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) } // ANCHOR_END: main /* ANCHOR_END: all */




让玩家移动的第一步是开始监听输入事件。如果我们快速查看 ggez 输入示例,可以看到我们可以使用 is_key_pressed 检查某个键是否被按下。


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[allow(dead_code)] fn run_input_print(_world: &World, context: &mut Context) { if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Up) { println!("UP"); } if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Down) { println!("DOWN"); } if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Left) { println!("LEFT"); } if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Right) { println!("RIGHT"); } } }

然后,我们将这段代码添加到 Game 的 event::EventHandler 实现块中:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Run input system { run_input(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render game entities { run_rendering(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } } }






  • 如果按下 UP 键,我们将玩家在 y 轴上向上移动一个位置
  • 如果按下 DOWN 键,我们将玩家在 y 轴上向下移动一个位置
  • 如果按下 LEFT 键,我们将玩家在 x 轴上向左移动一个位置
  • 如果按下 RIGHT 键,我们将玩家在 x 轴上向右移动一个位置
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[allow(dead_code)] fn input_system_duplicate(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { for (_, (position, _player)) in world.query::<(&mut Position, &Player)>().iter() { if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Up) { position.y -= 1; } if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Down) { position.y += 1; } if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Left) { position.x -= 1; } if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Right) { position.x += 1; } } } }







我们有哪些选项来解决这个问题?我们可以记住上一个帧是否按下了键,如果是,我们跳过它。这需要存储上一帧的状态,并在当前帧中与之比较以决定是否移动,这完全可行。幸运的是,ggez 在他们的键盘 API 中添加了这个功能,你可以调用 is_key_just_pressed,它会自动检查当前状态。让我们试试,它看起来像这样:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn run_input(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { for (_, (position, _player)) in world.query::<(&mut Position, &Player)>().iter() { if context.keyboard.is_key_just_pressed(KeyCode::Up) { position.y -= 1; } if context.keyboard.is_key_just_pressed(KeyCode::Down) { position.y += 1; } if context.keyboard.is_key_just_pressed(KeyCode::Left) { position.x -= 1; } if context.keyboard.is_key_just_pressed(KeyCode::Right) { position.x += 1; } } } }





首先,我们需要让代码稍微更通用一些。如果你还记得上一章,我们是通过操作玩家来决定如何移动他们的,但我们也需要移动箱子。此外,未来我们可能会引入其他可移动类型的对象,因此我们需要考虑到这一点。按照真正的 ECS(实体-组件-系统) 精神,我们将使用标记组件来区分哪些实体是可移动的,哪些不是。例如,玩家和箱子是可移动的,而墙是不可移动的。箱子放置点在这里无关紧要,因为它们不会移动,但它们也不应该影响玩家或箱子的移动,因此箱子放置点不会具有这些组件中的任何一个。


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub struct Movable; pub struct Immovable; }


  • 玩家箱子添加 with(Movable)
  • 添加 with(Immovable)
  • 地板箱子放置点不做任何操作(如前所述,它们不应成为我们的移动/碰撞系统的一部分,因为它们对移动没有影响)
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(), }, Wall {}, Immovable {}, )) } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 5, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(), }, )) } pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box.png".to_string(), }, Box {}, Movable {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(), }, BoxSpot {}, )) } pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/player.png".to_string(), }, Player {}, Movable {}, )) } }


现在让我们思考一些示例来说明移动的需求。这将帮助我们理解如何修改输入系统的实现以正确使用 MovableImmovable


  1. (player, floor) 并按下 RIGHT -> 玩家应该向右移动
  2. (player, wall) 并按下 RIGHT -> 玩家不应向右移动
  3. (player, box, floor) 并按下 RIGHT -> 玩家应该向右移动,箱子也应该向右移动
  4. (player, box, wall) 并按下 RIGHT -> 没有任何东西应该移动
  5. (player, box, box, floor) 并按下 RIGHT -> 玩家、箱子1 和箱子2 应该都向右移动一格
  6. (player, box, box, wall) 并按下 RIGHT -> 没有任何东西应该移动


  • 碰撞/移动检测应该一次性处理所有涉及的对象——例如,对于场景 6,如果我们逐个处理,每次处理一个对象,我们会先移动玩家,再移动第一个箱子,当我们处理第二个箱子时发现无法移动,此时需要回滚所有的移动操作,这是不可行的。因此,对于每个输入,我们必须找出所有涉及的对象,并整体判断该动作是否可行。
  • 一条包含空位的可移动链可以移动(空位在此表示既非可移动也非不可移动的东西)
  • 一条包含不可移动位置的可移动链不能移动
  • 尽管所有示例都是向右移动,这些规则应该可以推广到任何方向,按键仅仅影响我们如何找到链条


  1. 找到所有可移动和不可移动的实体 - 这样我们可以判断它们是否受到移动的影响
  2. 根据按键确定移动方向 - 我们在上一节已经大致解决了这个问题,基本上是一些基于按键枚举的 +1/-1 操作
  3. 遍历从玩家到地图边缘的所有位置,根据方向确定轴线——例如,如果按下右键,我们需要从 player.x 遍历到 map_width,如果按下上键,我们需要从 0 遍历到 player.y
  4. 对于序列中的每个格子 我们需要:
    • 如果格子是可移动的,继续并记住这个格子
    • 如果格子不可移动,停止并不移动任何东西
    • 如果格子既不可移动也不可移动,移动我们记住的所有格子


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn run_input(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { let mut to_move: Vec<(Entity, KeyCode)> = Vec::new(); // get all the movables and immovables let mov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Entity> = world .query::<(&Position, &Movable)>() .iter() .map(|t| ((t.1 .0.x, t.1 .0.y), t.0)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); let immov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Entity> = world .query::<(&Position, &Immovable)>() .iter() .map(|t| ((t.1 .0.x, t.1 .0.y), t.0)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); for (_, (position, _player)) in world.query::<(&mut Position, &Player)>().iter() { if context.keyboard.is_key_repeated() { continue; } // Now iterate through current position to the end of the map // on the correct axis and check what needs to move. let key = if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Up) { KeyCode::Up } else if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Down) { KeyCode::Down } else if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Left) { KeyCode::Left } else if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Right) { KeyCode::Right } else { continue; }; let (start, end, is_x) = match key { KeyCode::Up => (position.y, 0, false), KeyCode::Down => (position.y, MAP_HEIGHT - 1, false), KeyCode::Left => (position.x, 0, true), KeyCode::Right => (position.x, MAP_WIDTH - 1, true), _ => continue, }; let range = if start < end { (start..=end).collect::<Vec<_>>() } else { (end..=start).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>() }; for x_or_y in range { let pos = if is_x { (x_or_y, position.y) } else { (position.x, x_or_y) }; // find a movable // if it exists, we try to move it and continue // if it doesn't exist, we continue and try to find an immovable instead match mov.get(&pos) { Some(entity) => to_move.push((*entity, key)), None => { // find an immovable // if it exists, we need to stop and not move anything // if it doesn't exist, we stop because we found a gap match immov.get(&pos) { Some(_id) => to_move.clear(), None => break, } } } } } // Now actually move what needs to be moved for (entity, key) in to_move { let mut position = world.get::<&mut Position>(entity).unwrap(); match key { KeyCode::Up => position.y -= 1, KeyCode::Down => position.y += 1, KeyCode::Left => position.x -= 1, KeyCode::Right => position.x += 1, _ => (), } } } }




/* ANCHOR: all */ // Rust sokoban // main.rs use ggez::{ conf, event, graphics::{self, DrawParam, Image}, input::keyboard::KeyCode, Context, GameResult, }; use glam::Vec2; use hecs::{Entity, World}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path; const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 32.0; const MAP_WIDTH: u8 = 8; const MAP_HEIGHT: u8 = 9; // ANCHOR: components #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct Position { x: u8, y: u8, z: u8, } pub struct Renderable { path: String, } pub struct Wall {} pub struct Player {} pub struct Box {} pub struct BoxSpot {} // ANCHOR: components_movement pub struct Movable; pub struct Immovable; // ANCHOR_END: components_movement // ANCHOR_END: components // ANCHOR: game // This struct will hold all our game state // For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add // things shortly. struct Game { world: World, } // ANCHOR_END: game // ANCHOR: init // Initialize the level// Initialize the level pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { const MAP: &str = " N N W W W W W W W W W . . . . W W . . . B . . W W . . . . . . W W . P . . . . W W . . . . . . W W . . S . . . W W . . . . . . W W W W W W W W W "; load_map(world, MAP.to_string()); } pub fn load_map(world: &mut World, map_string: String) { // read all lines let rows: Vec<&str> = map_string.trim().split('\n').map(|x| x.trim()).collect(); for (y, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() { let columns: Vec<&str> = row.split(' ').collect(); for (x, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() { // Create the position at which to create something on the map let position = Position { x: x as u8, y: y as u8, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }; // Figure out what object we should create match *column { "." => { create_floor(world, position); } "W" => { create_floor(world, position); create_wall(world, position); } "P" => { create_floor(world, position); create_player(world, position); } "B" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box(world, position); } "S" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box_spot(world, position); } "N" => (), c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c), } } } } // ANCHOR_END: init // ANCHOR: handler impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Run input system { run_input(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render game entities { run_rendering(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } } // ANCHOR_END: handler // ANCHOR: entities pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(), }, Wall {}, Immovable {}, )) } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 5, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(), }, )) } pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box.png".to_string(), }, Box {}, Movable {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(), }, BoxSpot {}, )) } pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/player.png".to_string(), }, Player {}, Movable {}, )) } // ANCHOR_END: entities // ANCHOR: rendering_system fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { // Clearing the screen (this gives us the background colour) let mut canvas = graphics::Canvas::from_frame(context, graphics::Color::from([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0])); // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z // This will allow us to have entities layered visually. let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Renderable)>(); let mut rendering_data: Vec<(Entity, (&Position, &Renderable))> = query.into_iter().collect(); rendering_data.sort_by_key(|&k| k.1 .0.z); // Iterate through all pairs of positions & renderables, load the image // and draw it at the specified position. for (_, (position, renderable)) in rendering_data.iter() { // Load the image let image = Image::from_path(context, renderable.path.clone()).unwrap(); let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; // draw let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y)); canvas.draw(&image, draw_params); } // Finally, present the canvas, this will actually display everything // on the screen. canvas.finish(context).expect("expected to present"); } // ANCHOR_END: rendering_system // ANCHOR: input_system fn run_input(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { let mut to_move: Vec<(Entity, KeyCode)> = Vec::new(); // get all the movables and immovables let mov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Entity> = world .query::<(&Position, &Movable)>() .iter() .map(|t| ((t.1 .0.x, t.1 .0.y), t.0)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); let immov: HashMap<(u8, u8), Entity> = world .query::<(&Position, &Immovable)>() .iter() .map(|t| ((t.1 .0.x, t.1 .0.y), t.0)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); for (_, (position, _player)) in world.query::<(&mut Position, &Player)>().iter() { if context.keyboard.is_key_repeated() { continue; } // Now iterate through current position to the end of the map // on the correct axis and check what needs to move. let key = if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Up) { KeyCode::Up } else if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Down) { KeyCode::Down } else if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Left) { KeyCode::Left } else if context.keyboard.is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Right) { KeyCode::Right } else { continue; }; let (start, end, is_x) = match key { KeyCode::Up => (position.y, 0, false), KeyCode::Down => (position.y, MAP_HEIGHT - 1, false), KeyCode::Left => (position.x, 0, true), KeyCode::Right => (position.x, MAP_WIDTH - 1, true), _ => continue, }; let range = if start < end { (start..=end).collect::<Vec<_>>() } else { (end..=start).rev().collect::<Vec<_>>() }; for x_or_y in range { let pos = if is_x { (x_or_y, position.y) } else { (position.x, x_or_y) }; // find a movable // if it exists, we try to move it and continue // if it doesn't exist, we continue and try to find an immovable instead match mov.get(&pos) { Some(entity) => to_move.push((*entity, key)), None => { // find an immovable // if it exists, we need to stop and not move anything // if it doesn't exist, we stop because we found a gap match immov.get(&pos) { Some(_id) => to_move.clear(), None => break, } } } } } // Now actually move what needs to be moved for (entity, key) in to_move { let mut position = world.get::<&mut Position>(entity).unwrap(); match key { KeyCode::Up => position.y -= 1, KeyCode::Down => position.y += 1, KeyCode::Left => position.x -= 1, KeyCode::Right => position.x += 1, _ => (), } } } // ANCHOR_END: input_system // ANCHOR: main pub fn main() -> GameResult { let mut world = World::new(); initialize_level(&mut world); // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?; // Create the game state let game = Game { world }; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) } // ANCHOR_END: main /* ANCHOR_END: all */


主文件已经变得相当大了,可以想象,随着我们的项目增长,这种方式将无法维持下去。幸运的是,Rust 提供了模块的概念,可以让我们根据关注点将功能整齐地拆分到单独的文件中。


├── resources │ └── images │ ├── box.png │ ├── box_spot.png │ ├── floor.png │ ├── player.png │ └── wall.png ├── src │ ├── systems │ │ ├── input.rs │ │ ├── rendering.rs │ │ └── mod.rs │ ├── components.rs │ ├── constants.rs │ ├── entities.rs │ ├── main.rs │ ├── map.rs │ └── resources.rs └── Cargo.toml

更多: 阅读更多关于模块和管理增长项目的信息 这里


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct Position { pub x: u8, pub y: u8, pub z: u8, } pub struct Renderable { pub path: String, } pub struct Wall {} pub struct Player {} pub struct Box {} pub struct BoxSpot {} pub struct Movable; pub struct Immovable; }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // constants.rs pub const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 32.0; pub const MAP_WIDTH: u8 = 8; pub const MAP_HEIGHT: u8 = 9; }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // entities.rs use crate::components::*; use hecs::{Entity, World}; pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/wall.png".to_string(), }, Wall {}, Immovable {}, )) } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 5, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/floor.png".to_string(), }, )) } pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box.png".to_string(), }, Box {}, Movable {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/box_spot.png".to_string(), }, BoxSpot {}, )) } pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: "/images/player.png".to_string(), }, Player {}, Movable {}, )) } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // map.rs use crate::components::Position; use crate::entities::*; use hecs::World; pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { const MAP: &str = " N N W W W W W W W W W . . . . W W . . . B . . W W . . . . . . W W . P . . . . W W . . . . . . W W . . S . . . W W . . . . . . W W W W W W W W W "; load_map(world, MAP.to_string()); } pub fn load_map(world: &mut World, map_string: String) { // read all lines let rows: Vec<&str> = map_string.trim().split('\n').map(|x| x.trim()).collect(); for (y, row) in rows.iter().enumerate() { let columns: Vec<&str> = row.split(' ').collect(); for (x, column) in columns.iter().enumerate() { // Create the position at which to create something on the map let position = Position { x: x as u8, y: y as u8, z: 0, // we will get the z from the factory functions }; // Figure out what object we should create match *column { "." => { create_floor(world, position); } "W" => { create_floor(world, position); create_wall(world, position); } "P" => { create_floor(world, position); create_player(world, position); } "B" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box(world, position); } "S" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box_spot(world, position); } "N" => (), c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c), } } } } }


我们需要更新 mod.rs,告诉 Rust 我们想将所有系统导出到外部(在这里是主模块)。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // systems/mod.rs pub mod input; pub mod rendering; }

太棒了,现在我们完成了这些操作,以下是简化后的主文件的样子。注意导入后的 moduse 声明,它们再次告诉 Rust 我们想要使用这些模块。

// main.rs /* ANCHOR: all */ // Rust sokoban // main.rs use ggez::{conf, event, Context, GameResult}; use hecs::World; use std::path; mod components; mod constants; mod entities; mod map; mod systems; // ANCHOR: game // This struct will hold all our game state // For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add // things shortly. struct Game { world: World, } // ANCHOR_END: game // ANCHOR: handler impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Run input system { systems::input::run_input(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render game entities { systems::rendering::run_rendering(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } } // ANCHOR_END: handler // ANCHOR: main pub fn main() -> GameResult { let mut world = World::new(); map::initialize_level(&mut world); // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?; // Create the game state let game = Game { world }; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) } // ANCHOR_END: main /* ANCHOR_END: all */

此时可以运行,所有功能应该与之前完全相同,不同的是,现在我们的代码更加整洁,为更多令人惊叹的 Sokoban 功能做好了准备。



首先我们需要想一下要检查是否赢了并通知玩家需要添加那些功能. 当玩家闯关时:

  • 需要一个用于保存游戏状态的 resource
    • 游戏是在进行中还是已经完成了?
    • 玩家目前一共走了多少步了?
  • 需要一个用于检查玩家是否完成任务的system
  • 需要一个用于更新移动步数的 system
  • 需要一个用于展示游戏状态的界面(UI )



#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs #[derive(Default)] pub enum GameplayState { #[default] Playing, Won, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Gameplay { pub state: GameplayState, pub moves_count: u32, } }

Gameplay 有俩个属性: statemoves_count. 分别用于保存当前游戏状态(当前游戏正在进行还是已经有了赢家)和玩家操作的步数. state枚举(enum)类型, 可以这样定义:

细心的读者会注意到,我们使用了一个宏来为 Gameplay 派生 Default 特性,并为 GameplayState 枚举使用了 #[default] 注解。这个注解的作用是告诉编译器,如果我们调用 GameplayState::default(),我们应该得到 GameplayState::Playing,这是合理的。

现在,当游戏启动时,Gameplay 资源将如下所示:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { Gameplay { state: GameplayState::Playing, moves_count: 0 } }



可以在先前定义的处理用户输入的InputSystem中实现计步的功能.因为我们需要在InputSystem中修改Gameplay的属性值,所以需要在InputSystem中定义SystemData类型时使用Write<'a, Gameplay>.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // input_system.rs pub fn run_input(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { let mut to_move: Vec<(Entity, KeyCode)> = Vec::new(); ... }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // input_system.rs ... // Update gameplay moves if !to_move.is_empty() { let mut query = world.query::<&mut Gameplay>(); let gameplay = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; gameplay.moves_count += 1; } // Now actually move what needs to be moved for (entity, key) in to_move { let mut position = world.get::<&mut Position>(entity).unwrap(); match key { KeyCode::Up => position.y -= 1, KeyCode::Down => position.y += 1, KeyCode::Left => position.x -= 1, KeyCode::Right => position.x += 1, _ => (), } } } }

Gameplay System

接下来是添加一个GamePlayStateSystem用于检查所有的箱子是否已经推到了目标点,如果已经推到了就赢了.除了 Gameplay, 要完成这个功能还需要对Position, Box, 和 BoxSpot进行只读访问.这里使用 Join 结合Box(箱子)Position(位置)创建一个包含每个箱子位置信息的Vector(集合).我们只需要通过遍历这个集合来判断每个箱子是否在目标点上,如果在就胜利了,如果不在,则游戏继续.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // systems/gameplay.rs use crate::components::*; use hecs::World; use std::collections::HashMap; pub fn run_gameplay_state(world: &World) { // get all boxes indexed by position let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Box)>(); let boxes_by_position: HashMap<(u8, u8), &Box> = query .iter() .map(|(_, t)| ((t.0.x, t.0.y), t.1)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); // loop through all box spots and check if there is a corresponding // box at that position let boxes_out_of_position: usize = world .query::<(&Position, &BoxSpot)>() .iter() .map(|(_, (position, _))| { if boxes_by_position.contains_key(&(position.x, position.y)) { 0 } else { 1 } }) .collect::<Vec<usize>>() .into_iter() .sum(); // If we made it this far, then all box spots have boxes on them, and the // game has been won if boxes_out_of_position == 0 { let mut query = world.query::<&mut Gameplay>(); let gameplay = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; gameplay.state = GameplayState::Won; } } }


// main.rs /* ANCHOR: all */ // Rust sokoban // main.rs use ggez::{conf, event, Context, GameResult}; use hecs::World; use std::path; mod components; mod constants; mod entities; mod map; mod systems; // ANCHOR: game // This struct will hold all our game state // For now there is nothing to be held, but we'll add // things shortly. struct Game { world: World, } // ANCHOR_END: game // ANCHOR: handler impl event::EventHandler<ggez::GameError> for Game { fn update(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Run input system { systems::input::run_input(&self.world, context); } // Run gameplay state { systems::gameplay::run_gameplay_state(&self.world); } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Render game entities { systems::rendering::run_rendering(&self.world, context); } Ok(()) } } // ANCHOR_END: handler // ANCHOR: main pub fn main() -> GameResult { let mut world = World::new(); map::initialize_level(&mut world); entities::create_gameplay(&mut world); // Create a game context and event loop let context_builder = ggez::ContextBuilder::new("rust_sokoban", "sokoban") .window_setup(conf::WindowSetup::default().title("Rust Sokoban!")) .window_mode(conf::WindowMode::default().dimensions(800.0, 600.0)) .add_resource_path(path::PathBuf::from("./resources")); let (context, event_loop) = context_builder.build()?; // Create the game state let game = Game { world }; // Run the main event loop event::run(context, event_loop, game) } // ANCHOR_END: main /* ANCHOR_END: all */




#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // resources.rs impl Display for GameplayState { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt.write_str(match self { GameplayState::Playing => "Playing", GameplayState::Won => "Won", })?; Ok(()) } } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering_systems.rs pub fn draw_text(canvas: &mut Canvas, text_string: &str, x: f32, y: f32) { let text = Text::new(TextFragment { text: text_string.to_string(), color: Some(Color::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), scale: Some(PxScale::from(20.0)), ..Default::default() }); canvas.draw(&text, Vec2::new(x, y)); } }

...为了调用draw_text我们还需要把资源 Gameplay 添加 RenderingSystem 中,这样 RenderingSystem 才能获取到资源 Gameplay

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs // Render any text let mut query = world.query::<&Gameplay>(); let gameplay = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; draw_text(&mut canvas, &gameplay.state.to_string(), 525.0, 80.0); draw_text(&mut canvas, &gameplay.moves_count.to_string(), 525.0, 100.0); }


  • 当前的操作步数
  • 当玩家胜利时告诉他们


Sokoban play








蓝色方块 红色方块 蓝色目标点 红色目标点


├── resources │ └── images │ ├── box_blue.png │ ├── box_red.png │ ├── box_spot_blue.png │ ├── box_spot_red.png │ ├── floor.png │ ├── player.png │ └── wall.png ├── src │ ├── systems │ │ ├── gameplay.rs │ │ ├── input.rs │ │ ├── mod.rs │ │ └── rendering.rs │ ├── components.rs │ ├── constants.rs │ ├── entities.rs │ ├── main.rs │ ├── map.rs │ └── resources.rs ├── Cargo.lock ├── Cargo.toml



#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs pub enum BoxColour { Red, Blue, } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs pub struct Box { pub colour: BoxColour, } pub struct BoxSpot { pub colour: BoxColour, } }



为了根据颜色创建正确的资源路径字符串,我们基本上想要 "/images/box_{}.png",其中 {} 是我们要创建的方块的颜色。现在我们面临的挑战是我们使用的是颜色枚举,所以 Rust 编译器不知道如何将 BoxColour::Red 转换为 "red"。如果能够使用 colour.to_string() 并获得正确的值就太好了。幸运的是,Rust 为我们提供了一个很好的方法,我们需要在 BoxColour 枚举上实现 Display 特征。下面是具体实现,我们只需指定如何将枚举的每个变体映射到字符串。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs impl Display for BoxColour { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { fmt.write_str(match self { BoxColour::Red => "red", BoxColour::Blue => "blue", })?; Ok(()) } } }

现在让我们在实体创建代码中包含颜色,并使用我们刚刚实现的 colour.to_string() 功能。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // entities.rs pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position, colour: BoxColour) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable { path: format!("/images/box_{}.png", colour), }, Box { colour }, Movable {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position, colour: BoxColour) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable { path: format!("/images/box_spot_{}.png", colour), }, BoxSpot { colour }, )) } }



  • "BB" 表示蓝色方块
  • "RB" 表示红色方块
  • "BS" 表示蓝色目标点
  • "RS" 表示红色目标点
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // map.rs match *column { "." => { create_floor(world, position); } "W" => { create_floor(world, position); create_wall(world, position); } "P" => { create_floor(world, position); create_player(world, position); } "BB" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box(world, position, BoxColour::Blue); } "RB" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box(world, position, BoxColour::Red); } "BS" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box_spot(world, position, BoxColour::Blue); } "RS" => { create_floor(world, position); create_box_spot(world, position, BoxColour::Red); } "N" => (), c => panic!("unrecognized map item {}", c), } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // map.rs pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World) { const MAP: &str = " N N W W W W W W W W W . . . . W W . . . BB . . W W . . RB . . . W W . P . . . . W W . . . . RS . W W . . BS . . . W W . . . . . . W W W W W W W W W "; load_map(world, MAP.to_string()); } }



我们之前学过,根据 ECS 方法论,数据放在组件中,行为放在系统中。我们现在讨论的是行为,所以它必须在系统中。还记得我们如何添加检查是否获胜的系统吗?这正是我们需要修改的地方。


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // gameplay.rs use crate::components::*; use hecs::World; use std::collections::HashMap; pub fn run_gameplay_state(world: &World) { // get all boxes indexed by position let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Box)>(); let boxes_by_position: HashMap<(u8, u8), &Box> = query .iter() .map(|(_, t)| ((t.0.x, t.0.y), t.1)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); // loop through all box spots and check if there is a corresponding // box at that position let boxes_out_of_position: usize = world .query::<(&Position, &BoxSpot)>() .iter() .map(|(_, (position, box_spot))| { if let Some(the_box) = boxes_by_position.get(&(position.x, position.y)) { if box_spot.colour == the_box.colour { 0 } else { 1 } } else { 1 } }) .collect::<Vec<usize>>() .into_iter() .sum(); // If we made it this far, then all box spots have boxes on them, and the // game has been won if boxes_out_of_position == 0 { let mut query = world.query::<&mut Gameplay>(); let gameplay = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; gameplay.state = GameplayState::Won; } } }

如果你现在编译代码,它会抱怨我们试图用 == 比较两个枚举。Rust 默认不知道如何处理这个问题,所以我们必须告诉它。我们能做的最好的方法是为 PartialEq 特征添加一个实现。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs #[derive(PartialEq)] pub enum BoxColour { Red, Blue, } }

现在是讨论这些不寻常的 derive 注解的好时机。我们以前使用过它们,但从未深入探讨它们的作用。派生属性可以应用于结构体或枚举,它们允许我们为我们的类型添加默认的特征实现。例如,这里我们告诉 Rust 为我们的 BoxColour 枚举添加 PartialEq 默认特征实现。

这是 PartialEq 默认实现的样子,它只检查某个东西是否等于它自己。如果相等,比较成功;如果不相等,比较失败。如果这不太容易理解,也不用太担心。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub trait PartialEq { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool; fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }; } }

所以通过在枚举上方添加 #[derive(PartialEq)],我们告诉 Rust BoxColour 现在实现了我们之前看到的偏等特征,这意味着如果我们尝试进行 box_colour_1 == box_colour_2,它将使用这个实现,只检查 colour_1 对象是否与 colour_2 对象相同。这不是最复杂的偏等实现,但对我们的用例来说应该足够了。

更多:这里阅读更多关于 PartialEq 的信息,在这里阅读更多关于可派生特征的信息。








  1. 我们当前的玩家,眼睛睁开
  2. 玩家眼睛稍微闭合
  3. 玩家眼睛完全闭合



  • 资源需要针对特定的帧率设计 - 对我们来说,我们将使用 250 毫秒,这意味着我们每 250 毫秒播放一个新的动画帧,所以我们每秒有 4 帧
  • 资源之间需要保持一致性 - 想象一下如果我们有两种不同的玩家,它们有不同的资源和不同外观的眼睛,我们需要确保当我们创建上述三帧时它们是一致的,否则两个玩家会以不同的速率眨眼
  • 为大量帧设计资源是一项繁重的工作,所以我们会尽量保持动画简单,只关注关键帧



  1. 修改我们的可渲染组件以允许多个帧 - 我们也可以创建一个新的可渲染组件来处理动画可渲染对象,并保留现有的组件用于静态可渲染对象,但现在把它们放在一起感觉更整洁
  2. 修改玩家实体构造以接受多个帧
  3. 在我们的渲染循环中跟踪时间 - 我们稍后会详细讨论这个问题,所以如果现在不太清楚为什么需要这样做也不用担心
  4. 修改渲染系统,考虑帧数、时间和在给定时间应该渲染的帧



玩家1 玩家2 玩家3

├── resources │ └── images │ ├── box_blue.png │ ├── box_red.png │ ├── box_spot_blue.png │ ├── box_spot_red.png │ ├── floor.png │ ├── player_1.png │ ├── player_2.png │ ├── player_3.png │ └── wall.png



我们还要添加两个新函数,用于构建两种类型的可渲染对象:一种是单一路径,另一种是多个路径。这两个函数是关联函数,因为它们与结构体 Renderable 相关联,但它们相当于其他语言中的静态函数,因为它们不操作实例(注意它们没有接收 &self&mut self 作为第一个参数,这意味着我们可以在结构体的上下文中调用它们,而不是在结构体实例中调用)。它们也类似于工厂函数,因为它们封装了实际构建对象之前所需的逻辑和验证。

更多: 了解更多关于关联函数的信息。这里.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs pub struct Renderable { paths: Vec<String>, } impl Renderable { pub fn new_static(path: &str) -> Self { Self { paths: vec![path.to_string()], } } pub fn new_animated(paths: Vec<&str>) -> Self { Self { paths: paths.iter().map(|p| p.to_string()).collect(), } } } }

接下来,我们需要一种方法来判断可渲染对象是动画还是静态的,这将在渲染系统中使用。我们可以将 paths 成员变量设为公共,让渲染系统获取 paths 的长度并根据长度推断,但有一种更符合语言习惯的方式。我们可以为可渲染对象的类型添加一个枚举,并在可渲染对象上添加一个方法来获取该类型。这样,我们将类型的逻辑封装在可渲染对象内部,同时可以保持 paths 私有。你可以将类型的声明放在 components.rs 的任何位置,但最好放在 Renderable 声明的旁边。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs pub enum RenderableKind { Static, Animated, } }

现在让我们添加一个函数,根据内部的 paths 告诉我们可渲染对象的类型。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs pub fn kind(&self) -> RenderableKind { match self.paths.len() { 0 => panic!("invalid renderable"), 1 => RenderableKind::Static, _ => RenderableKind::Animated, } } }

最后,由于我们将 paths 设为私有,因此需要让可渲染对象的使用者能够从列表中获取特定路径。对于静态可渲染对象,这将是第 0 个路径(唯一的一个),而对于动画路径,我们将让渲染系统根据时间决定应该渲染哪个路径。唯一需要注意的地方是,如果请求的帧数超出了我们拥有的范围,我们将通过对长度取模来循环处理。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs pub fn path(&self, path_index: usize) -> String { // If we get asked for a path that is larger than the // number of paths we actually have, we simply mod the index // with the length to get an index that is in range. self.paths[path_index % self.paths.len()].clone() } }


接下来,我们将更新玩家实体的创建,以考虑多个路径。请注意,现在我们使用 new_animated 函数来构建可渲染对象

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // entities.rs pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position, colour: BoxColour) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable::new_animated(vec![ &format!("/images/box_{}_1.png", colour), &format!("/images/box_{}_2.png", colour), ]), Box { colour }, Movable {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position, colour: BoxColour) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable::new_static(&format!("/images/box_spot_{}.png", colour)), BoxSpot { colour }, )) } }

并且让我们更新所有其他部分以使用 new_static 函数——以下是我们如何在墙壁实体创建中实现这一点的示例,请随意将其应用到其他静态实体中。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // entities.rs use crate::components::*; use hecs::{Entity, World}; pub fn create_wall(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable::new_static("/images/wall.png"), Wall {}, Immovable {}, )) } pub fn create_floor(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 5, ..position }, Renderable::new_static("/images/floor.png"), )) } // ANCHOR: create_box pub fn create_box(world: &mut World, position: Position, colour: BoxColour) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable::new_animated(vec![ &format!("/images/box_{}_1.png", colour), &format!("/images/box_{}_2.png", colour), ]), Box { colour }, Movable {}, )) } pub fn create_box_spot(world: &mut World, position: Position, colour: BoxColour) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 9, ..position }, Renderable::new_static(&format!("/images/box_spot_{}.png", colour)), BoxSpot { colour }, )) } // ANCHOR_END: create_box pub fn create_player(world: &mut World, position: Position) -> Entity { world.spawn(( Position { z: 10, ..position }, Renderable::new_animated(vec![ "/images/player_1.png", "/images/player_2.png", "/images/player_3.png", ]), Player {}, Movable {}, )) } pub fn create_gameplay(world: &mut World) -> Entity { world.spawn((Gameplay::default(),)) } // ANCHOR: create_time pub fn create_time(world: &mut World) -> Entity { world.spawn((Time::default(),)) } // ANCHOR_END: create_time }


我们还需要另一个组件来记录时间。时间与此有什么关系?它又是如何与帧率联系起来的呢?基本思路是这样的:ggez 控制渲染系统的调用频率,这取决于帧率,而帧率又取决于我们在游戏循环的每次迭代中做了多少工作。由于我们无法控制这一点,在一秒钟内,渲染系统可能会被调用 60 次、57 次,甚至可能只有 30 次。这意味着我们的动画系统不能基于帧率,而需要基于时间。

正因如此,我们需要记录增量时间(delta time),也就是上一次循环和当前循环之间经过的时间。由于增量时间比我们设定的动画帧间隔(我们决定为 250 毫秒)要小得多,因此我们需要累积增量时间,也就是从游戏启动开始到现在经过的总时间。

更多: 了解更多关于增量时间、帧率和游戏循环的详细介绍 这里, here or here .


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs #[derive(Default)] pub struct Time { pub delta: Duration, } }

现在,让我们在主循环中更新时间。幸运的是,ggez 提供了一个函数来获取增量时间,所以我们只需要累积它即可。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // main.rs fn update(&mut self, context: &mut Context) -> GameResult { // Run input system { systems::input::run_input(&self.world, context); } // Run gameplay state { systems::gameplay::run_gameplay_state(&self.world); } // Get and update time resource { let mut query = self.world.query::<&mut crate::components::Time>(); let time = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; time.delta += context.time.delta(); } Ok(()) } }




#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs pub fn get_image(context: &mut Context, renderable: &Renderable, delta: Duration) -> Image { let path_index = match renderable.kind() { RenderableKind::Static => { // We only have one image, so we just return that 0 } RenderableKind::Animated => { // If we have multiple, we want to select the right one based on the delta time. // First we get the delta in milliseconds, we % by 1000 to get the milliseconds // only and finally we divide by 250 to get a number between 0 and 4. If it's 4 // we technically are on the next iteration of the loop (or on 0), but we will let // the renderable handle this logic of wrapping frames. ((delta.as_millis() % 1000) / 250) as usize } }; let image_path = renderable.path(path_index); Image::from_path(context, image_path).unwrap() } }

最后,我们在 run 函数中使用新的 get_image 函数(我们还需要将时间添加到 SystemData 定义中,并添加一些导入,但基本上就是这样了)。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs pub fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { // Clearing the screen (this gives us the background colour) let mut canvas = graphics::Canvas::from_frame(context, graphics::Color::from([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0])); // Get time let mut query = world.query::<&Time>(); let time = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; // Get all the renderables with their positions and sort by the position z // This will allow us to have entities layered visually. let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &Renderable)>(); let mut rendering_data: Vec<(Entity, (&Position, &Renderable))> = query.into_iter().collect(); rendering_data.sort_by_key(|&k| k.1 .0.z); // Iterate through all pairs of positions & renderables, load the image // and draw it at the specified position. for (_, (position, renderable)) in rendering_data.iter() { // Load the image let image = get_image(context, renderable, time.delta); let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; // draw let draw_params = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y)); canvas.draw(&image, draw_params); } // Render any text let mut query = world.query::<&Gameplay>(); let gameplay = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; draw_text(&mut canvas, &gameplay.state.to_string(), 525.0, 80.0); draw_text(&mut canvas, &gameplay.moves_count.to_string(), 525.0, 100.0); // Finally, present the canvas, this will actually display everything // on the screen. canvas.finish(context).expect("expected to present"); } }



Box red 1 Box red 2 Box blue 1 Box blue 2



Sokoban animations

代码链接: 在这个例子中你可以看到完整的代码 here.


在这个 section 中,我们将工作于添加事件,这些事件将在后续阶段用来添加声音效果。在短语中,我们想在以下情况下播放声音:

  1. 当玩家击打墙或障碍时 - 为了让他们知道不能通过
  2. 当玩家把箱放在正确的位置 - 以表明 "你做得对"
  3. 当玩家把箱放在错误的位置 - 以表示move的错误


让我们从box on correct spot来看。我们可能会使用游戏状态系统,并且会循环遍历boxes和spots来检查是否处于这种情况,然后播放声音。但是,这并不是一种好主意,因为我们将每次循环都尝试多次,造成不必要的重复和播放太快。







  1. 玩家击打障碍 - 这可以是事件本身,通过输入系统当玩家试图移动但无法移动时会引发
  2. 箱放在正确或错误的位置 - 我们可以将其表示为一个单独的事件,其中包含是否 correct_spot 的属性(我稍后再解释这个属性)


我们需要用enum 来定义各种事件类型。我们曾使用过enum(例如Rendering类型和box颜色),但是这次我们要把它的潜力全推到使用,特别是我们可以在其中添加属性。


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // events.rs use hecs::Entity; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EntityMoved { pub entity: Entity, } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BoxPlacedOnSpot { pub is_correct_spot: bool, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Event { // Fired when the player hits an obstacle like a wall PlayerHitObstacle, // Fired when an entity is moved EntityMoved(EntityMoved), // Fired when the box is placed on a spot BoxPlacedOnSpot(BoxPlacedOnSpot), } }


现在,我们需要一个resource来接收事件。这将是一个多生产者单消费者模型。我们会有多个系统添加事件,而一个system(events system)会只消费该事件。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // components.rs #[derive(Default)] pub struct EventQueue { pub events: Vec<Event>, } }



#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // input.rs pub fn run_input(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { let mut to_move: Vec<(Entity, KeyCode)> = Vec::new(); let mut events = Vec::new(); /// Code omitted /// ...... /// ...... // find a movable // if it exists, we try to move it and continue // if it doesn't exist, we continue and try to find an immovable instead match mov.get(&pos) { Some(entity) => to_move.push((*entity, key)), None => { // find an immovable // if it exists, we need to stop and not move anything // if it doesn't exist, we stop because we found a gap match immov.get(&pos) { Some(_id) => { to_move.clear(); events.push(Event::PlayerHitObstacle {}); break; } None => break, } } } /// Code omitted /// ...... /// ...... /// // Now actually move what needs to be moved for (entity, key) in to_move { let mut position = world.get::<&mut Position>(entity).unwrap(); match key { KeyCode::Up => position.y -= 1, KeyCode::Down => position.y += 1, KeyCode::Left => position.x -= 1, KeyCode::Right => position.x += 1, _ => (), } // Fire an event for the entity that just moved events.push(Event::EntityMoved(EntityMoved { entity })); } }

为了便于阅读,我省略了原始文件中的部分代码,但实际上我们只是在正确的位置添加了两行代码来创建事件并将它们添加到 events 向量中。


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // input.rs pub fn run_input(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { let mut to_move: Vec<(Entity, KeyCode)> = Vec::new(); let mut events = Vec::new(); /// Code omitted /// ...... /// ...... // Finally add events back into the world { let mut query = world.query::<&mut EventQueue>(); let event_queue = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; event_queue.events.append(&mut events); } } }

消费事件 - events系统

现在它是时候添加一个events system来处理事件。


  • Event::PlayerHitObstacle -> 这是播放音效的地方,但我们会在添加音频部分时再回到这里。

  • Event::EntityMoved(EntityMoved { id }) -> 这是添加逻辑的地方,用于检查刚刚移动的实体是否是一个箱子,以及它是否在正确的位置上。

  • Event::BoxPlacedOnSpot(BoxPlacedOnSpot { is_correct_spot }) -> 这是播放音效的地方,但我们会在添加音频部分时再回到这里。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // systems/events.rs use crate::components::*; use crate::events::*; use hecs::World; use std::collections::HashMap; pub fn run_process_events(world: &mut World) { let events = { let mut query = world.query::<&mut crate::components::EventQueue>(); let events = query .iter() .next() .unwrap() .1 .events .drain(..) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); events }; let mut new_events = Vec::new(); let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &BoxSpot)>(); let box_spots_by_position: HashMap<(u8, u8), &BoxSpot> = query .iter() .map(|(_, t)| ((t.0.x, t.0.y), t.1)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); for event in events { println!("New event: {:?}", event); match event { Event::PlayerHitObstacle => { // play sound here } Event::EntityMoved(EntityMoved { entity }) => { // An entity was just moved, check if it was a box and fire // more events if it's been moved on a spot. if let Ok(the_box) = world.get::<&Box>(entity) { if let Ok(box_position) = world.get::<&Position>(entity) { // Check if there is a spot on this position, and if there // is if it's the correct or incorrect type if let Some(box_spot) = box_spots_by_position.get(&(box_position.x, box_position.y)) { new_events.push(Event::BoxPlacedOnSpot(BoxPlacedOnSpot { is_correct_spot: (box_spot.colour == the_box.colour), })); } } } } Event::BoxPlacedOnSpot(BoxPlacedOnSpot { is_correct_spot: _ }) => { // play sound here } } } // Finally add events back into the world { let mut query = world.query::<&mut EventQueue>(); let event_queue = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; event_queue.events.append(&mut new_events); } } }


代码链接:您可以在这个示例中看到完整代码 这里.



  1. 当玩家撞击墙或障碍物时 — 提示他们无法通过
  2. 当玩家将箱子放在正确位置时 - 提示 “做对了”
  3. 当玩家将箱子放在错误位置时 - 提示 “操作错误”




#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[derive(Default)] pub struct AudioStore { pub sounds: HashMap<String, std::boxed::Box<audio::Source>>, } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub fn load_sounds(world: &mut World, context: &mut Context) { let mut query = world.query::<&mut crate::components::AudioStore>(); let audio_store = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; let sounds = ["correct", "incorrect", "wall"]; for sound in sounds.iter() { let sound_name = sound.to_string(); let sound_path = format!("/sounds/{}.wav", sound_name); let sound_source = Source::new(context, sound_path).expect("expected sound loaded"); audio_store .sounds .insert(sound_name, Box::new(sound_source)); } } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub fn initialize_level(world: &mut World, context: &mut Context) { const MAP: &str = " N N W W W W W W W W W . . . . W W . . . BB . . W W . . RB . . . W W . P . . . . W W . . . . RS . W W . . BS . . . W W . . . . . . W W W W W W W W W "; load_map(world, MAP.to_string()); load_sounds(world, context); } }


最后, 我们需要在 audio store 中添加声音播放的代码。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { impl AudioStore { pub fn play_sound(&mut self, context: &mut Context, sound: &str) { if let Some(source) = self.sounds.get_mut(sound) { if source.play_detached(context).is_ok() { println!("Playing sound: {}", sound); } } } } }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // systems/events.rs use crate::components::*; use crate::events::*; use ggez::Context; use hecs::World; use std::collections::HashMap; pub fn run_process_events(world: &mut World, context: &mut Context) { let events = { let mut query = world.query::<&mut crate::components::EventQueue>(); let events = query .iter() .next() .unwrap() .1 .events .drain(..) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); events }; let mut new_events = Vec::new(); let mut query = world.query::<(&Position, &BoxSpot)>(); let box_spots_by_position: HashMap<(u8, u8), &BoxSpot> = query .iter() .map(|(_, t)| ((t.0.x, t.0.y), t.1)) .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(); let mut query = world.query::<&mut AudioStore>(); let audio_store = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; for event in events { println!("New event: {:?}", event); match event { Event::PlayerHitObstacle => { // play sound here audio_store.play_sound(context, "wall"); } Event::EntityMoved(EntityMoved { entity }) => { // An entity was just moved, check if it was a box and fire // more events if it's been moved on a spot. if let Ok(the_box) = world.get::<&Box>(entity) { if let Ok(box_position) = world.get::<&Position>(entity) { // Check if there is a spot on this position, and if there // is if it's the correct or incorrect type if let Some(box_spot) = box_spots_by_position.get(&(box_position.x, box_position.y)) { new_events.push(Event::BoxPlacedOnSpot(BoxPlacedOnSpot { is_correct_spot: (box_spot.colour == the_box.colour), })); } } } } Event::BoxPlacedOnSpot(BoxPlacedOnSpot { is_correct_spot }) => { // play sound here let sound = if is_correct_spot { "correct" } else { "incorrect" }; audio_store.play_sound(context, sound); } } } // Finally add events back into the world { let mut query = world.query::<&mut EventQueue>(); let event_queue = query.iter().next().unwrap().1; event_queue.events.append(&mut new_events); } } }


代码链接: 你可以在这里查看所有代码.


你可能已经注意到在玩游戏时输入感觉有点慢。让我们添加一个 FPS 计数器来看看我们的渲染速度如何。如果你不熟悉 FPS 这个术语,它代表每秒帧数(Frames Per Second),我们的目标是达到 60FPS。

FPS 计数器

让我们从添加 FPS 计数器开始,这包含两个部分:

  1. 获取或计算 FPS 值
  2. 在屏幕上渲染这个值


  1. 幸运的是,ggez提供了获取FPS的方法 - 参见这里
  2. 我们已经在渲染系统中实现了文本渲染功能,只需将FPS显示出来即可。


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs pub fn run_rendering(world: &World, context: &mut Context) { // Clearing the screen (this gives us the background colour) let mut canvas = graphics::Canvas::from_frame(context, graphics::Color::from([0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1.0])); /// Code omitted /// ..... /// ..... // Render FPS let fps = format!("FPS: {:.0}", context.time.fps()); draw_text(&mut canvas, &fps, 525.0, 120.0); /// Code omitted /// ..... /// ..... // Finally, present the canvas, this will actually display everything // on the screen. canvas.finish(context).expect("expected to present"); } }



是什么导致了 FPS 下降?






  • 对于每个可渲染实体,确定我们需要渲染的图像和 DrawParams(这是我们目前给 ggez 的渲染位置指示)
  • 将所有(图像,DrawParams)保存为一个方便的格式
  • 按照 z 轴排序遍历(图像,DrawParams),每个图像只进行一次渲染调用


// Cargo.toml [dependencies] ggez = "0.9.3" glam = { version = "0.24", features = ["mint"] } hecs = "0.10.5" itertools = "0.13.0"


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs use itertools::Itertools; }


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs pub fn get_image(renderable: &Renderable, delta: Duration) -> String { let path_index = match renderable.kind() { RenderableKind::Static => { // We only have one image, so we just return that 0 } RenderableKind::Animated => { // If we have multiple, we want to select the right one based on the delta time. // First we get the delta in milliseconds, we % by 1000 to get the milliseconds // only and finally we divide by 250 to get a number between 0 and 4. If it's 4 // we technically are on the next iteration of the loop (or on 0), but we will let // the renderable handle this logic of wrapping frames. ((delta.as_millis() % 1000) / 250) as usize } }; renderable.path(path_index) } }

现在让我们确定批量数据的格式。我们将使用HashMap<u8, HashMap<String, Vec<DrawParam>>>,其中:

  • 第一个键(u8)是z值 - 记住我们需要按z值从高到低渲染,以确保正确的顺序(例如地板应该在玩家下方等)。
  • 另一个值是HashMap,其中第二个键(String)是图像的路径。
  • 最后,值是Vec<DrawParam>,表示需要渲染该图像的所有位置参数。


#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs let mut rendering_batches: HashMap<u8, HashMap<String, Vec<DrawParam>>> = HashMap::new(); // Iterate each of the renderables, determine which image path should be rendered // at which drawparams, and then add that to the rendering_batches. for (_, (position, renderable)) in rendering_data.iter() { // Load the image let image_path = get_image(renderable, time.delta); let x = position.x as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let y = position.y as f32 * TILE_WIDTH; let z = position.z; // draw let draw_param = DrawParam::new().dest(Vec2::new(x, y)); rendering_batches .entry(z) .or_default() .entry(image_path) .or_default() .push(draw_param); } }

最后,我们来实现批量渲染。之前使用的draw(image)函数不再适用,但幸运的是ggez提供了批量渲染API - SpriteBatch。另外注意这里的sorted_by,这是itertools提供的功能。

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { // rendering.rs // Iterate spritebatches ordered by z and actually render each of them for (_z, group) in rendering_batches .iter() .sorted_by(|a, b| Ord::cmp(&a.0, &b.0)) { for (image_path, draw_params) in group { let image = Image::from_path(context, image_path).unwrap(); let mut mesh_batch = graphics::InstanceArray::new(context, Some(image)); for draw_param in draw_params.iter() { mesh_batch.push(*draw_param); } canvas.draw(&mesh_batch, graphics::DrawParam::new()); } } }



代码链接: 你可以在这里看到这个示例的完整代码。